Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Thoughts and Ramblings

So... Christmas is over, New Years is tomorrow... Christmas was a big family affair with all our NZ family over in Papamoa. Christmas Day and often Boxing Day always seem to end up being days of compulsory doing nothing. Dunno why but you just can't plan anything or go anywhere or do things with people. It's family, food and little kids with presents! It actually wasn't all that bad despite being laid up on the couch all day 'coz I tore the ligaments in my ankle last Sunday and have been on crutches for over a week. Although I can hobble quite well. I spent most of the day wishing Jesus Happy Birthday - for some reason that made me quite happy - maybe the thought of wishing God in human form a Happy Birthday when God is beyond time seems a little silly but I know he appreciates the thought! I love how God limits himself when we talk to Him so it's fresh and exciting for Him too! God's amazing :-)

I spent two days at my friends house at Lake Tarawera with her family and Alana. It was sooo good. So relaxing and just amazing company and beautiful views! We took the boats out on the Lake and the others went water skiing and wake boarding (due to afore mentioned injury I didn't) but I just love water and being on or in it and have decided to buy a boat when I'm older and have money :-) I think it would be amazing to be able to go flying across the water and up and down or even just cruising leisurely- its just so nice and it is rather fun when the waves are under you and your going up and down like an amusement park ride or something! Despite the fact it was raining quite hard yesterday, we ventured across the Lake in Mirante to the hot water beach and a secluded hot water pool in the middle of the bush which was also very nice and such a good space to be close to God and friends and just chill (while being very warm). Nature just makes me feel so in awe and yet so close to God I can't help it. Even just looking at views and being on the lake or walking through the bush or walking the foreshore or taking a moment to appreciate the beauty of God's creation fills me with such a happy, loved feeling, like He made it all for me and He's there. He gifts me the sunrise every morning and made the birds sing for me to have a song and its like He's reaching out to me in the beautiful sunsets. I feel close to God with my friends too in a group sort of way but also like He's gifts me such amazing friends I can't stop thanking Him. In nature I tune out everything and it's literally just me and God. No one else, its our own private world, me and Him in our passionate love affair! So I got both group and personal amazing God time at the Lake.

Sometimes it feels like although God never wants to hurt me, He let me hurt my ankle to use it for good; to avoid the impending burn out which was round about due and to force me to relax and to spend more time with Him and to remind me not to take everything for granted. Believe me, it worked. Sometimes I think God knows what He's doing, don't you?

So in closing, I really can't complain - I have been very blessed this Christmas period and I know God loves me definitely and infinitely. Pain makes us stronger and so does increased personal time with God. May your New Years celebrations be safe and fun, and may 2009 be the most God filled year of your life yet. I certainly hope it will be for me. Any questions - just ask.
Love and blessings,

Jenny xox

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