Saturday, November 8, 2008

Looking Forward!

Yay I'm excited! I'm looking forward to so many things.

I'm looking forward to having Andy and Amanda back, I'm looking forward to study leave and then summer and beautiful weather. I'm looking forward to next year (and rather scared). I'm looking forward to tonight and the bonfire and fireworks and all the church being there and all the youth and leaders and playing rugby with the boys before we have dinner then lighting the giant bonfire then setting off fireworks and laughing as boys like A & S & P & T all go running on the fire/edge embers at the end to see who can get in the closest/last the longest and laughing more as me and the other youth do amusing things too. I'm looking forward to taking lots of photos and to one day having a relationship like Christina and Jesse do (only better!)!

Today was such a great day and I hope tonight will top it off. God is so good to me it seems unfair but I'm not going to complain! I will try to work for what I can and to live for God and to have God as my goal at all times so His desires are in my heart. I love the feeling of being loved. Soon today will be a memory but God is a God of the now and will be with me in tomorrow, just like He's with me now. I'm looking forward. With God in my future I have nothing to fear.

Keep smiling, it suits you :) (Only 5 minutes then I can leave lol!)


Christina Jane said...

Beautiful! I love seeing you happy and enthusiastic about life and of our wonderful Lord. I hope fireworks tonight are wonderful. You are a star mwah.

Emma said...

Yay for the future and God's amazing plans.
Three days of school left! Eeek. It is unreal like Alana said.
Study Hard!