Friday, September 19, 2008

What a week!

Wow what a week and it's not even over! Sunday was powerful and exhausting - 5 baptisms in 1 day! God is so totally moving in my/our town it's incredible.

Got all my mock results back, been planning for our ball all week and now it's tomorrow- so excited!

Tonight we had a youth service at the church round the corner. People from Stratty, CityLife and a whole actual bus load from Oaks came. It was packed out and really gd! All about how when we get our acts together God gives us a fresh start, every day if we need it. So relevant! Get your act together! Now!

That's it from me. That's the main stuff anyway :-D Praise God, He's awesome! And very very Crazy!

Saturday, September 13, 2008


Well, this is my first blog. My inspiration for the name EpicJenny came from the fact that my youth group in my hometown is called Epic and so its easy for people to keep track of me when I move away next year (scary/exciting), by having a name easy to remember/related to me and also its a word play on Epic Journey - Epic Jenny - Epic Journey... Get it? It's like life is one big epic journey, one amazing trip with God as my guide and I want to make the most of it! I really can't promise to be a very regular blogger at all but I'll do my best to keep it updated with anything I feel needs to be shared/I feel the need to share.

Jenny :-)